Hi everyone, my name is Steve,I am 52, and I have just had a biopsy on a lump on the right side of my tongue. Needless to say I am very worried about what the results will be.
I feel like I have dodged a few bullets over the last 4 years and am worried that I may not dodge this one!
In 2010 I had a min-stroke caused by a blood clot to the back of my brain. A follow up scan on my head and neck found I had a 20mm mass in my thyroid gland. This was biopsied every 3 months for a year, on the last biopsy it had changed to cat 3 suspicious tissue and I had a right side hemi-thyroidectomy in 2011. The mass turned out to be benign.
Then in early 2012 I was diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and had green light laser prostate surgery just before Chrismas in 2012.
About 3 months ago I noticed a lump on the side of my tongue and a nasty taste in my mouth. I went to the GP, who referred me to the Maxillo-facial clinic. They refered to the ENT clinic who did a camera examination of my throat and vocal chords and diagnosed Laryngopharyngeal reflux. He explained that the acid was causing my tongue to swell and the nasty taste. So I was prescribed Omeprazole and Gaviscon Advance for 4 weeks. I then returned to the ENT clinic and saw a different consultant who said he did not agree that the reflux was causing the lump on my tongue and ordered an urgent biopsy.
I had the biopsy on the 11th October and now have a 2 week wait for the results.
I was a heavy smoker (40 a day) for 25yrs. I quit in 1999.
I was also border line alcoholic, but have not had a drink since 1996, I feel like my past is catching up with me!