Hi Flo, I am answering you even though I have no idea why or how this got there or how bad it really is. You say she is in stable condition, keep that up front in your mind. Now I have had many surgeries and some infections. My guess is she has an IV with some strong antibiotics being dripped in. This would be stronger than she had at home. What surgery? They had me in two different times to de-breed. They can clean and get a better look at the problem in operating room than elsewhere, plus the patient is more comfortable. They can put antibotics in there when its open also. No surgery is risk free. Everytime I read what I am signing I about get scared out of it! For now think of your sister being stable and see what the Doctors come up with. I know its hard but one step at a time.

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000