Richard is taking most of his nutrition by mouth. Oatmeal, Pizza, Pasta, Meatloaf, (everything we eat, he eats) and a daily shot of Noni Juice (which may or may not have something to do with his rapid recovery).

Swallowing function is good with some saliva. Taste is slowly coming back. Although most food still tastes like "delicious cardboard".

He is still 20 pounds under his pre-cancer weight, lanky for his 6'3" frame, but a stud-muffin in my eyes, no matter what!

The goal, no more tube feeding by the end of this month. The tube will remain in place till November on the Oncologist's recommendation, that is when he goes through his first PET Scan.

He is soldiering on and eating to live (and to surf, the PEG gets in the way of his surfing style). He is taking the salt water cure (going to the beach) weekly with our granddaughter to swim/surf. I believe it was ChristineB (thank you) who recommended Glad Wrap to hold the tube in place when swimming. Richard is quite the sight at the beach, a real fashion statement for HNT Survivors, wrapped up in plastic, and he could care less, as long as he can get in the water.

He is a landscaper and back to working his business (physically), more than full time.

He is my hero. As are ALL of you. Keep fighting, do not give up hope.

Will check in intermittently and report progress. This group is a wealth of information and encouragement.
Barbara (CG of Richard)

Last edited by bjlral; 09-24-2013 11:52 AM.

65 yr old male in great health other than C. 5/1/13 lump discovered, 5/15 Biopsy, 5/29 PET/CAT, Diag: SCC HPV+ rt tonsil, 1 node, Stage III T1-2 N1, 6/10 PEG, 06/17 Chemo, 6/24 Radiation, 7/6 100% PEG, 8/14 Done with treatment, 11/6 follow-up PET, 11/8 NED, 11/13 PEG removed!