Hi everybody. I'm 15 months out from surgery and 10 months out from chemo and radiation. My problem that seems to be hanging on is extreme dizziness. It doesn't always happen but it is very common. When I stand up I will get dizzy. I can sit down and wait a few seconds and try again and most of the time be ok. Then, there are times like this morning that I stand up and am ok, walk about 12 feet and it will hit. I start getting dizzy, everything starts feeling funny, my ears start to burn, my right leg will begin to twitch and I'm in real trouble. I called for my husband this morning and he got to me in time to help me get to the floor without falling but I sat/squatted at such an angle that I twisted my left leg right below my knee. I have spoken with all of my doctors about this and they assure me it's not from the surgery, chemo or radiation, that it's just my blood pressure and the blood pooling in my feet and not circulating like it should.
Does anyone else have any troubles like this after HN surgery? Any suggestions on what to do other than what we are doing now? I was advised to get support stockings. This I haven't done yet. Anybody use them and does it help?
I understand that this may be something I have to learn to live with but was just wondering about any input from you wonderful folks.
Thanks so much!