6 weeks post neck dissection, my neck is periodically damp on the surgical side. I can't tell what the fluid is - colorless, odorless, sweat-like but not slick. Any ideas what this is?
I have significant lymphedema, could this even be lymphatic fluid?
Have to say, my selective ND bothers me waaaaaaaaaaay more than my tonsilectomy did. It's swollen, stings, pins and needles etc. I can only imagine how uncomfortable a radical ND would be. Cold packs would feel good but I've read that's not recommended for NDs.
They don't want to treat my lymphedema until after radiation. I guess treating it now would be like trying to drain a tub with the faucet running.
Thanks for any advice --
53 T3N2aM0 HPV+ 5/26/13 discovered painless superball-sized lymph node in neck 6/26/13 DX SCC R palatine tonsil 7/16/13 TORS tonsillectomy & selective ND, mets to 2 nodes 9/3/13 Cisplatin and rads begin, tolerated 1.5 of 3 planned chemo doses 10/16/13 Treatment ends Dec 13 Ulcer appears at surgery site Jan 17 Biopsy -- no cancer! Feb 17 CT/PET Scan lights up tonsil bed & nasal cavity, docs say probably inflammation, don't panic, rescan when ulcer subsides