I am over 5 years out from my treatments and very thankful the cancer has not returned. In 2011 I was diagnosis with Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible. In Aug 2011 I went through 40 rounds of HBO and now the beginning of this year I had to do another 60 rounds. These last HBO treatments did not completely heal the sore in my mouth. Then soon after my bone starting to expose itself. So now I am in limbo since the HBO treatments are no longer working and my mandible shows no dead areas. My next step would be replacing dead areas of my mandible if it ever gets to that point. So now I am dealing with severe pain in my jaw and ear. I was taking Vicodin 5/500 that would help a little but my condition has now worsen. The pain management doctor put me on 15mg of time released Morphine which just made me feel like a zombie and didn't help the pain. I have tried Norco 10/325 which works ok and then I tried Percocet 5/325 that work ok. I am not one for pain meds and have used Salonpas pain patches that help the pain calm a little. So just wanted to see if anyone has found a pain medications that helps with this jaw/ear pain.

Tammy 43 yr non smoker- Dx-10/11/07 Stage 4 Tongue Cancer Surg.10/17/07, 1/4 Tongue and 14 Lymph nodes 5 positive, Peg tube/Chemo port,Chemo 3 wks/Radiation 6 wks begins 11/07 end 02/08.Teeth removed prior to radiation. PetScan 05/08 CLEAR 09/09. 2011 diag. w/osteoradionecrosis.100 HBO's