Hi Bk - Glad you found this great place to be! My son had surgery and then radiation. Everyone reacts differently and some people just sail right through with hardly any problems, and others, like my son have it pretty rough but it is doable. I think it really depends on a lot of things like the kind of health you are in and your nutrition and hydration. One of the residents working with my son's ENT told me that the ENT was known as being very "aggressive" and I'm sure glad he was because my son has been cancer-free for 6 years, now. I hope you are at a good Comprehensive Cancer Center where there is a team approach and they all decide the best course of action in each particular case. You could check out the main pages of this forum and it might help you put together some questions for when you see the doctor or for anyone here. If you bring someone with you it helps you to remember what was said so you can check back with each other later. Let us know what happens.

CG to son, Paul (age 33, non-smoker) SCC Stage 2, Surgery 9/21/06, 1/6 tongue Rt.side removed, +48 lymph nodes neck. IMRTx28 completed 12/19/06. CT scan 7/8/10 Cancer-free! ("spot" on lung from scar tissue related to Pneumonia.)