Hi Gina,

It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of what to expect. I'm rooting for PET results that only show the known tumor. (Even if PET shows possible node involvement, pathology results may still be negative; mine was.)

One thing I didn't ask my surgeon about was what to expect right after surgery. I had thought/assumed I'd be in hospital 2-3 days, but at my pre-op appt just a few days before surgery he told me 5-7, which is when the seriousness of the surgery hit me. Ask what kind of tubes you'll have when you wake up. I had EKG, drain, NG tube, IV and oxygen. Will you have to stay in ICU? (I did from right after surgery until about 9 or 10 the next morning. I don't think it was expected.) Does your surgeon expect you to be able to swallow/drink shortly after surgery? Just ask whatever you can think of. Maybe just asking what to expect right after surgery will be enough for your surgeon to volunteer all of that info.

Its good that you're writing stuff down, but don't forget to listen. If there's something you wrote that you don't remember why, feel free to ask about it again. If someone is going with you to appointments, perhaps they could write while you listen.

Good luck! You can do this!

DX 8/21/08--SCC right side of tongue; Age 36,non-smoker,casual drinker
SX 9/01/08 to remove cancer & right modified neck dissection--margins good, lymph nodes clear(T2N0M0); no further treatment.