I was just eating and noticed a sharp pain in my neck (on the opposite side of my surgery). I felt my neck and was shocked to feel a VERY swollen lymph node. I am so afraid this is a recurrence I am trying to stay calm. Last Thursday marked 1 year since surgery. Has anyone else experienced a swollen lymph node and it turned out NOT to be cancer? I am trying to calm myself and think of other possibilities until I get in to see a doctor. I had two positive lymph nodes removed during my surgery, but I never really noticed any swelling in my neck. The weird thing about this swollen lymph node is that it seemed to come out of no where... and I think the swelling has already gone down a little since I first noticed it about an hour ago. Any advice or comforting thoughts would greatly be appreciated!!

Emily - 24 years old at diagnosis
HPV-, no risk factors
T2N2b Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Left oral tongue, poorly differentiated
Hemiglossectamy, reconstruction, partial neck dissection
30 Radiation treatments, weekly chemo (cisplatin)
1/13/12 last day of treatment
Diagnosed October 2011