I had at least 3 drugs given to me to help with nausea, etc after my cisplatin. Gawd I felt horrible, partly due to the drugs. One of the drugs had the effect of turning me into a perpetual motion machine. Once I stopped that drug (can't remember which it was) I felt MUCH better.
Then we discovered that chemo was dropping my blood pressure - big time. I was dizzy all the time and at one point passed out when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom. When I fainted I hit my head on the corner of the bathroom vanity. I had black eyes, and then looked AND felt like an accident survivor for the rest of my treatments!! Once we elimiated my bp medication, I again felt better. Be aware of these meds.
The anti nausea ones are great - but sometimes the side effects make make the experience even worse.
I also did not get the 3rd bag of cisplatin, and I am still here almost 5 years later. (knock on wood!)
You will get through this. It is a slow horrid process, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And no, that light isn't a train!
Last edited by Pandora99; 10-09-2012 11:16 AM.