My husband Steve has been diagnosed with oral cancer. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Primary in left tonsil with mets to cervical lymph node(plum size). Most likely stage 4a He had panendoscopies and tonsillectomy on Sept 7, 2012. That was ROUGH for him. Saw medical oncologist yesterday and will start chemo 2 rounds in six weeks) on Oct 11. To be followed by 2 more rounds in six weeks along with 7 weeks of radiation. He is going to try working thorough the first two treatments.
I'm here for support and thank you in advance!

HPV16+ left tonsil/SCC to left cervical node Stage 4a
Chemo/radiation Cisplatin/Taxotare evrey three weeks for 4 chemo 7 weeks rad 5 days a week starting at chemo round three. PEG before chemo round 3