Hi, Denise:

Welcome to the forum. Unlike you, I joined the forum just a couple of months ago, long after I finished treatments 4/28/11. However, I still find good information here, and it's also good to interact with people who understand exactly what we're going through/have gone through. Other than the gender differences, our stories sound very similar. I had a partial glossectomy and neck dissection (17 lymph nodes) 6/16/10, recurrence in Jan. 2011, began chemo 1/17/11, second neck dissection (18 lymph nodes) 2/24/11, and 28 rounds of radiation that ended 4/28/11. Eating was difficult during treatments - the week of chemo was not so great, the second week was worse (mouth sores), and the third week was the best for eating (before they hit me again the next week). Radiation really wore me out. Luckily I was able to work from home a lot during treatments because it would have been too hard to put in eight hours straight. I did not have the PEG....I was determined not to have one because I didn't think that was "eating". Sixteen months out, I'm eating everything; although I have stayed on Protonics since heartburn seemed to occur more without it. My neck healed really well after the first surgery. The second surgery was a little tougher since I had an egg-sized tumor and neck muscle removed, so I still deal with neck mobility issues, twinges, some pain, numbness, etc. Hope I didn't say too much to freak you out, we all have different side effects and reactions to treatments/surgery. Best of luck to you, and I'll be looking for updates!

Tim D., 43, married (Maurine), San Antonio, TX. Two-time OC survivor, first diagnosis May 2010 - partial glossectomy + neck dissection (17 nodes), recurrence Jan. 2011 - chemo + 2nd neck dissection (18 nodes) + radiation, completed treatments 4/28/11, PET/CT 12/23/11 - clear, scans 6/29/12 - clear