Hello. I had stage 2 well differentiated tongue cancer. Had part of my tongue removed then had radiation for 6 weeks Monday through Friday on both sides of my mouth.
I'm 2 months out of radiation and 6 months from my operation. Everything was going great until yesterday I woke up and my tongue had a sharp pain on the opposite side of where my cancer was. It looks like a small cut but I'm scares death it has come back just as thing started to get better. I'm thinking maybe I hurt it while eating normal food.
Called my oncologist. She said to wait until Monday and if it wasn't getting better schedule an appointment. She said she think that since I've only been talking and eating normally for two weeks I probably just injured my tongue but I can't calm down.
What do you think?

Large sore on right side tongue. Had for 3 mos. biopsied came back stage 2 well differentiated tongue cancer. Partial tongue removal and neck disect. On feb142012. Rads for 6weeks finished in June. Couldn't speak or eat for 5 months. Clear pet scan dec 2012. Former smoker hpv- 27male. Recent ENT visit said "as far as I can tell you're cured" 💗