I want to thank you all for your help and support with this time concerning my mom. The common comment here was Hospice and I agree. What problem I run into at this point is that my Dad (A proud loyal man) feels that he can take care of her himself and honestly I don't think he has any idea as to what to expect in the near future.
They live in Montana and I live in California so I am not able to run up there and help out or even ask questions to the doctor. I do try and feed my dad questions to ask and he does try but I'm worried that this will have it's toll on him too if he doesn't get help.
Mom has a wonderful oncologist who has been at her side since lymphoma 30 years ago, he treated her 3 years ago and said that this may only give us added time with her. In March 2012 he said that her body can no longer take anymore chemo/rad treatment (she had a very difficult time during her treatments) So I'm grateful for that.
I just don't know what or how to lead my father to the correct path for her comfort.
How do I go about finding a good Hospice group?
What are the requirements that I need the doctor to submit for us to get this going?
They were thinking of driving down to California for one last visit with all of us but with the speed of this cancer would she be ok driving for two to three days? she has no pain right now.

She is on a feeding tube and has been for 3 years. The tumor is in the back of the side of her check.

I'm feeling not so alone in all this, thank you all so much.

My mom Lymphoma survivor 25 years.
Oral cancer since 11/2008
Surgery for reoccurence tumor 3/2012
8/2012 new tumor behind 3/2012 tumor
Quality of life is requested.
Passed away in her sleep just as she wished. 9/30/2012