why is this bizarre? and i doubt they missed anything, i get a PET scan every 6 months and this is the first time it has lit up. I did a nurse at if my case was a little unusual and she said no. She said cancer often runs along the nerve and shows up in different locations.

is that what you were talking about or did i misunderstand?
thanks so much for you input

scc 4/2004 r side tongue, flr of mouth.
neck disection,4 lymph nodes 34x rad,3X chemo
10/2007 r cheek. remove w/graft. 40 HBO dives.
01/2010 r cheek. surgery w/graft
04/2010,surgery remove lower right jaw, reconstruct. 4x chemo 25x rad. clear margins. pet 8/2010 clear
July 2012 right side bot cancer. surgery to remove, clear margins
4/2013 Surgery to remove cancer in lymph node near thyroid, clear margins
6/2013 start of rad 25X Chemo 7X