For those of you who remember, my shelter and support after Robins death was my mum.Since January she has been brought to her knees with a fracture in her spine,pneumonia,Norovirus and now after all that we find that lurking beneath all this is Breast Cancer. So it looks like it's saddle up and here we go again. This time last year she was packing for her 80 th birthday Norwegian Cruise. Today she is a tiny frail old lady in her bed,living on morphine and liquid food supplements.
Life can be cruel .

Liz in the UK

Husband Robin aged 44 years Dx 8th Dec 2006 poorly differentiated SCC tongue with met to neck T1N2cM0 Surgery and Radiation.Finished TX April 2007
Recurrence June/07 died July 29th/07.

Never take your eye off the ball, it may just smack you in the mouth.