Week 3 and what a change. Sunday the sore throat kicked in although the mouth sores that started on the trip home Friday are a little better. Yesterday was Peg and Port day, long day!!
Waited over 3 1/2 ours to go into surgery. Today was busy with appointments and learning how to use the PEG. Before noon the throat became drastically worse. I hope this might be from the tube being put in also so there's hope it will improve. Did not get him to eat much or drink which is not good. Tomorrow I will take charge!! With being sore and not wanting to use the Peg or rather acknowledge it was there I did finally get some water in. NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!!!! Our son in Florida surprised us and called tonight and is taking time off from work and flying home for 3 weeks to watch his brother who is 13 while we are gone all week. This will cover the last 3 weeks of treatments. What a relief to my husband, he feels so bad leaving our son. He won't even hardly miss us with his brother home, they'll have a good time. This makes me really proud of our son in FL, I guess he is a pretty responsible 26 year old. I'll be busy cooking on week-ends now, he really appreciates home cooking!!!

Husband diagnosed Oct '11 Cancer of the vocal cord Nov '11 removed right vocal cord. Neck Dissection, cancer in one node, .2, very small & contained) Jan '12 Radiation and Cisplatin, 6 doses. June '12 & Dec '12 clear Pet scan. April '13 Celebrating 1 year cancer free since treatment ended.