Thanks to everyone for sharing their story. Today is the last day of week 4... three to go. I found that using ginger ale and sugarless, flavored soda water has helped a bunch with cutting the salty taste as well as clearing the thick secretions in the mouth and back of the throat. It sort of foams the junk away from the mouth and allows it to be spit out. I do that several times a day and once in the middle of the night and it has helped greatly.
Another tip for anyone interested is that Ibuprofen taken three at a time up to 3 X a day helps a lot with inflammation associated with the burning from the Rads to the throat allowing me to swallow more easily. It works well in combination with the 50 mg fentanyl patch I wear. The dose was approved by my Dr. at Duke.

Last edited by Jack Snodgrass; 02-24-2012 02:36 AM.

64 YO M Non Smoker ,light drinker Dx 11/11 SCC Stg IV BOT/L
Tx Carboplatin & Docetaxel weekly and Rad daily X 7 weeks
PEG in 2/12 out 6/12