This statement is counterintuitive.

"Also, my Oral HPV test will also come back this Thursday, not that I am going to put a lot of weight into it, unless it is positive, in which case, will have to go for the whole hog - biopsy, CT, MRI or PET."

If the test isn't going to weigh much on you, then why would a positive cause you to throw the kitchen sink at things?

You may find there is nothing to biopsy at this stage, so I suppose you could ask for a PET/CT, but my guess is you will have to private pay it as our insurance will likely turn it down without some strong suspicion from your doctor that he is not on a wild goose chase. Your direction is really going to be dictated by one thing - you are seeing a doctor that has experience with these very hard to discover cancers.

I hope you get an answer.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.