Saw RO today. It was a great visit. He pulled up my CT, PET, previous PET & reviewed it all with me. He did a very extensive exam. After having his hands down my throat feeling around and having me do all kind of tongue movements, he looked with the scope.

He explained that on this PET he was looking for any more lymph node involvement. While we needed to take the area that lite up seriously, he thought it was okay (it was not base of tongue - the radiologist put base of tongue in one area and hyogusses muscle in another). The area also got 50 gy of radiation incidentally.

I will have another scan done on March 8th. I'm feeling pretty good now after the surprise report. I would have felt great if the scan had been clean.


51 y/o Stage 4 HPV Tonsil Cancer IMRT & Cisplatin. Completed 9/26/2011.