He called Ron today. I asked Ron did you ask him what's up...he says no of course. So I call. Seems they saw a spot of concern on his left I'd say top lung cuz they didn't do a full chest on the past CT they just did. I asked was this the site of the other spot they said no it was on the left side and that spot has shrunk since the last CT. They already made an apt with Thoracic surgeon. Ron is thinking it could maybe be scar tissue from when he had double pnemonia...me I hope it is but you will not ever see the look of shock on my face if he is told he has cancer again, sorry not with his lifestyle, I just know it is enevitbable but praying it won't be.
Also I could have the right and left mixed up, I wrote it down at lunchtime when i called the docs office and can not find the darn paper anywhere where i wrote it on. Should I tell Ron or just let him go and and get it all checked out and wait and see? I swear, can't we have a Christmas with an all clear and no cancer?? I think not to tell him, he's down enough without me teling him maybe more bad news, I'm thinking let him think positive and not give him any doubt.