For me, taste of food never bothers me too much because most food tastes quite normal like all kinds of vegetables but I have missed the sweet taste for quite some time already. The first time I realized that my 'sweet' taste bud has left me was when I was still in the middle of radiation. Seeing that I could not eat much due to sore throat, my doctor gave me a cup of strawberry icecream. I thought it was a sugar free icecream and asked my son to taste it. He said it was very sweet. Like Dinah, chocolate isn't chocolate anymore but it dosen't taste nasty to me.Among other side effects, the change of taste is the easiest one I can adapt to.

Karen stage 4 tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/01.

Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.