Hello Gabriele,

My brother is in Perth and I am on the Central Coast of NSW, but I have spent 3 weeks with him and his family returning home 6 weeks ago. Another sister is in Perth now for 3-4 weeks helping out.

What was your treatment, Gabe? From your signature you seem to have had a very torrid time. I hope you are well at the moment.

I wonder if anyone on the forum is from Perth?

Brother 49yo DX 22/6/11 Tonsil SCC HPV+ Stage IV T4N1(?)M0. Carbo/docetaxel (Taxotere)19/7, 11/8 (with E-tux), 1/9; E-tux 11/8, 25/8, 15/9, 30/9, 14/10, 28/10; IMRT X 35 (70gy tumour;63gy nodes;56gy gen area) 19/9-4/11/11. Clear PET scan 1/2/12. 1 and 2 year post treatment checks good.