I am not the patient, but a sister and advocate. I know I am going to get this wrong, but please bear with me. My brother thought he had lingering canka (sp?) but was diagnosed with oral cancer just before Memorial Day weekend (5/25/2011). He was 59, a heavy smoker and even heavier drinker. He had prolonged back issues that prevented him from working for two years. After many tests, etc he had surgery on 7/25/2011. They removed 3/4 of his tongue, the base of his mouth and removed 70 nodes, 13 pos, 2 burst. He has a trach, and a PEG and a scar under his chin from ear to ear. The good news is they didn't have to touch his jaw bone which they had told us they would. He had a bad start after surgery because of the detox and was in ICU for 10 days. He seemed to be recovering well and by 8/25/11 was looking like a healthy younger version of himself. Labor Day he started with ear aches, that became swelling in the neck that has become headaches when laying down. The swelling is now pulling at the scar, looks like two goiters below each ear. He sleeps sitting up and hasn't started any treatment (IMRT or chemo) because of his inability to lay down for further diagnostics. He has excessive phlegm. He has not yet learned how to swallow.

Last edited by Gerrys_Sister; 09-27-2011 03:00 PM. Reason: truncated