Hi Anita,

I was diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma on the right side soft palate on 8/3 (I had my first oral surgery the week prior to remove the tumor for biopsy by my oral surgeon)

I then was referred to an ENT at Univ of Washington Med Center. I was lucky enough to get in with Dr Futran, who now I know is a really good surgeon.

I had my 2nd surgery on 8/31 (so I am on my 4th day of recovery) My surgery ended up just being an outpatient surgery (I was fortunate enough that my CT scan came back clear and nothing had spread into my bones) This surgery, he removed an area a little bit bigger than a quater, and as deep as the roof of my mouth. He covered it with some type of bio-skin (I forget the actual name) but the whole is covered and well stitched. As for recovery, he had to scrape around my jaw and I have pretty severe ear pain, and I have a very serverly sore throat, I think mostly due to the tubes inserted during surgery.

I return on Tuesday 9/6 for a post-op check up and we hope this next pathology report is back, that the margins from this 2nd surgery are clear! If not, then my ENT along with the tumor board will go from there and come up with a treatment plan.

Message me if you ever want to talk - I am right there with you, it is a good feeling that we don't have to do this alone and that there are others out there with the same cancer to battle.

Hug and prayers headed your way,

Found questionable spot in routine dental cleaning 6/28/11
Consult w/ Oral Surgeon 7/20
Lesion removed for Biopsy 7/28/11
DX 8/3/11 MEC (Grade Low2)
upcoming resection surgery 8/31