I have used Biotene. But my regular "go to" can't survive without it gum is the Orbit White in bubblemint (sugarfree). It doesn't sting (I can't use peppermint) and whitens .
Last edited by lola7172; 07-28-201103:49 PM.
Age 44. Diagnosed at 34 (2006) with T1N0 SCC tongue on right side. Neck dissed & 6 weeks Radiation. 30% tongue removed. Never smoked; 2nd recurrence 1/2013 on left side. Surgery to remove 2/2013 forearm flap/neck dissec T1N0; brachytherapy 4/2013; 3rd recurrence 11/2015 mandibulectomy for jaw bone cancer Stage IV/no lymph node involvement