We met with Ken's ENT today (on his 44th birthday)and the cancer is still there on the left and right side of the BOT and near his voice box. His Dr. thinks they can save the voicebox but won't know for sure until they get in there. We are shocked and numb at this point. Everyone seems optimistic he will be able to eat and speak (if voicebox is not taken out). I would love to hear from anyone who has dealt with this.

Jill..CG to Ken, age 43,mom of 1yr old girl.
DIAG:12/9/10 SCC BOT T4N0M0 HPV+
START:1/3/11 IMRT dailyX35 and 7 chemo
END:2/23/11 PEG IN:1/15/11 Out:4/26/11
CT/MRI 4/25/11-marked improvement CT 6/11 new spots
BX 6/23-cancer present
Total Glossectomy sched 7/20/11
7/19/11 Ken's suffering ended