Hi like everybody on this site we have a common problem and its great to be able to communicate and help each other. I am extremely lucky , clear and 6 year post surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. I have met and talked with so many people directly and on this forum that have been of immense help. If it is of help I can tell you that 6 years later --I have relatively good returned saliva flow (some difficulties at night with sleeping),-- although numb after accessory nerve damage I have good power in my arm and shoulder and can now lift my arm over my head--can eat almost any food and speak normally with the assistance of some fluids, have a good quality of life .
I am extremely thankful for where I am at and feel a little selfish in making any complaint. As we all know sometimes it is very difficult to get information on details after the major trauma of successful surgery and treatment. I have a request/question to ask. As mentioned I had accessory nerve damage and removal of the sternocleidomastoid muscle on one side of the neck. Over the last year both the neck area and shoulder have developed continuous pain/throb, become very tight and results in almost permanent headaches. MRI's have shown nothing sinister. Has anybody else experienced this problem