Hi Ilene, My name is Eli, I am on this board to hopefully find others like my sister who are battling the side effects of radiation treatment from cancer of the tongue. You seem to be going through what she is. Approx. 2 years ago she was treated for cancer at the age of 33, not a smoker or drinker, of the tongue and they removed a portion of the tongue and several lymph nodes in her neck. She had radiation treatment afterwards. The radiation side effects appear to be worse than any other part of the treatment. Specifically the sores. All I know is she has an extremely difficult time eating and swallowing. She take pain killers and steroid treatment just started, but we don't know if that is helping yet. She had sores that came in her mouth on her tongue, eventually they went away and she was eating regular and gaining back her weight. At this moment she is having a rough time with severe soreness/sores in her throat, its been several months without it getting better. Can you tell me more about your experience and any helpful tips or treatment that you have done to alleviate the pain and discomfort of the sores? How are you feeling today after time passing? I know there is hope for both of you to get better. Please respond and be strong.