Due to a bandage in my mouth after my partial glossectomy I was no allowed to eat anything other than liquids for two and a half weeks after surgery. I added mashed potatoes to creamed soups to both thin down the potatoes and bulk up the soups. Whey protein shakes with oat bran and lots of fruit and a wee bit of spinach were helpful too at filling me up.

After the bandage was removed it was still a couple of weeks before I could maneuver solid food effectively. I'm ten weeks post surgery now and can eat almost anything I want although I still get food stuck on the roof of my mouth or on back molars and need a finger to dislocate.

I know its a pain in the tail, absolutely no fun at all, but it does get better. I promise!

Catherine, SCC floor of mouth DX 2010,unclear margins, PET scan clear, no chemo or rad,biopsy in 9/2010, 2nd excision 10/2010 didn't get all carcinoma in situ; partial gloss & excis. right floor 2/2/2011 margins clear. Part.gloss-10/5/2011 sev dys clean marg. HPV neg. Don't smoke or drink. SCC floor of mouth left side 4/2016. Dysp excis. rt palate 7/2017 Part gloss sev dys lat marg 2/2019 Part gloss free flap rt neck disc 5/2020 Part gloss bilat neck disc 7/2020 33 rad 3 cis.