I'm one of the (relatively) young oral cancer patients. I'm almost a year and a half out from surgery and my use of chew. I don't miss it in the least, and I was a dusk to dawn tobacco user for at least the past 10 years. People ask me if I think that the chewing tobacco caused my cancer and my standard answer has been: "I cannot be totally sure but if you read the warning on the can it reads, THIS PRODUCT MAY CAUSE MOUTH CANCER" It's really hard to plea ignorance when you have seen this warning for years. I begin my reconstructive surgery on March 20th, and hope to have all phases of the bone grafting and oral implants done by Christmas. I have three children, ages 9 through 15, I have put them through terrible worry and pain and I live with that daily, anyone who is having problems kicking the habit need only to look at the loved ones around you and think of the impact your "habit" could have on them if it ends up taking your life. Good Luck, I have immense respect for anyone who gives up a vice without being kicked in the teeth first, I was not so smart and hopefully will not end up paying with my life. How selfish I would feel if that were the case.

Stage I diagnosed 9/18/2000
