So...I went in for my annual review after four years and chest xray was clear and then just for fun they scoped me. That led to a second scope with my primary doc confirming that there was some growth in my nasal cavity perhaps aggravated by a nasty sinus infection. Order mega antibiotics, told me it looked benign and asked me to come back in two weeks which was today. Scoped again, infection clear but the lesion hadn't reduced so it's off to the OR in two weeks for a biopsy. Mixed feelings and low grade anxiety. My doctor says its most likely adenoidal tissue but the biopsy will confirm. He says not to worry over this, it's just him being compulsive. So keep your fingers crossed. 18th for biopsy and a couple days past for results.

Cancer of Tongue, SCC early Stage 1, Dx 3/13/07, partial glossectomy 4/14/07 found no residual carcinoma and a granular cell tumor with pseudo epitheliomatous hyperplasia.