Hi all

Sorry for late reply, PET and MRI was negative and have another PET in about a month.

A question I would like to ask, I get pains in the neck more frequent now. I asked my specialist and he said it could be a combination of nodules, neck dissection and radition. He recommended getting accupunture.

Anyone else have problem with theit neck?

Many thanks

Last edited by tonyva; 04-03-2011 10:26 PM.

Diagnosed Stage 3 SCC Sept 2007, Left tonsil, Neck Dissection, 20 nodes removed, 1 cancerous, 35 Rad treatments, no peg, lost 15 kilos, x-smoker 25 years ago, social drinker, CT scan April 08, 21st April telescopic biospy, monitoring dysplasia, scan and panendscopy every 6 months.