As you can see from my signature my diagnosis is MEC not SCC.
Does anyone know anything about this diagnosis? I can't seem to find anyone who has any experience with this situation.

I've been able to find that MEC is in the third group of types of tonsil cancer, but little else. It appears that my situation is a least RARE.

My doctors say the treatment regime is the same as SCC, but admit that information is limited.

Any information would be appreciated.


MEC of left tonsil; MET to left lymph node;HPV16+; tonsillectomy 1/21/11;DX 2/2/11-T1N2M0-Stage IVa-High Grade;TX tentative for 2/21/11; 35xIMRT,3xCisplatin Age 65,smoker until 2010; married to the same wonderful woman for 42 years. 1 daughter and two granddaughters, avid golfer and model railroad.