David, thanks for the additional information. I've made notes regarding the drugs and creams you have mentioned. It is sincerely appreciated.
I just found out that I have NOT been tested for HPV. My ENT did not think it was associated with MEC. Should I press for an HPV test? From what I've read, a positive result does not change the treatment, but can mean a slightly better prognosis. Do you agree?

Got the dentist covered, that is really where all this started.

Thanks and be well,


MEC of left tonsil; MET to left lymph node;HPV16+; tonsillectomy 1/21/11;DX 2/2/11-T1N2M0-Stage IVa-High Grade;TX tentative for 2/21/11; 35xIMRT,3xCisplatin Age 65,smoker until 2010; married to the same wonderful woman for 42 years. 1 daughter and two granddaughters, avid golfer and model railroad.