Hello Wayne.
My what a load you and your wife have to bear, so many losses. I am glad to hear that you are getting counselling, as you need all the support you can get, to help you through this multitude of challenges.
You sound like you are doing not too badly with the eating given the obstacles of mouth dryness and little taste. Have you had help from nutrionist or dietician on boosting the calories in the things that you eat and making higher calorie food choices?
My husband who is now 8 months out of treatment had a big problem with depression but seems to be getting better emotionally as he feels better physically. Hopefully this will be the case for you also. Eventually the good days will outnumber the bad, the worst is behind you.

Caregiver to husband Dx. Stage 4 SCC of gingiva with 3 nodes pos. Partial mandiblectomy with bone graft from iliac crest Dec. 2006. IMRT x30, Cisplatin x3. Completed Tx. March 15, 2007. Osteonecrosis & removal of graft & plate Oct. 2007. Recurrence of SCC Dec. 2007. Deceased Jan. 17, 2008.