The readers of my blog, Head Nurse, have made it possible for me to buy a Therabite and donate it to somebody who needs it.

First come, first served: post here with an email address and I'll get with you on shipping details. If you're not the first, post anyhow, because my goal is to manage to fund--through the generosity of readers--two Therabites a year for the readers of these forums. At least.

I am conscious every day of how very very blessed I am. Not only do I care for oral cancer patients who've had neck dissections and glossectomies and what-have-you in the ICU, but I'm an oral cancer survivor myself. I'm *incredibly* lucky, having had a low-grade, boring sort of cancer that was curable with surgery.

This is my chance to say thank you to the people who post here and to maybe give back just a little of what's been given to me.

Polymorphic Low-Grade Adenocarcinoma (PLGA), dx'ed 9/10. Surgery 10/20/10--resection of soft palate and right hard palate. Of the 36,000 oral cancers dignosed in a year, I get the one that sounds like a golf tournament. Sheesh.