OKay, Mike is having surgery on the 14th of December. He will have part of his jaw removed and replaced with a plate, he will have atleast 50% of the base of his tongue removed (maybe more once she gets in there), he will have a graft from his wrist to replace onto his tongue and some blood vessels removed from his neck (where he previously has his disection) and placed in his tongue. Feeding tube will be inserted on the 13th of December and will remain indefinitely, he'll have a trach until he leaves the hospital. We had to tell our kids today that the cancer is back and explain this surgery to an 11 year old and a 12 year old, UGH!!

His biopsy reads: Invasive poorly differentiated non-keratinizing squameous cell carcinoma.....This just sounds ugly

CG of Mike, 43 y/o. July 2009 with Stage 4a SCC on Tonsil., Nov.2010 Recurrence on Tonsil and Base of Tongue
Surgery no clear margins. Very Invasive.Palliative chemo
7/2011: Cancer not responding to chemo, new tumor on larynx and a few other places in oropharynx