My husband drives a truck too, I remember him trying to explain to the doctors that there is no part time. When you drive from point A to point B, you can't stop part way. You can't turn around and come back.
It's all or nothing.
He still had his Peg tube in when he was due to go back. He was freaking out about trying to feed himself while driving. Picturing his knee on the steering wheel, tube flung up over rear view mirror,... well you get the picture.
It all worked out though, he got the Peg out and drank his formula for a while. He has been back full time driving triples for one year now. So far at his one year checkup, all is good. He takes a FMLA day for his monthly checkups.
You'll be tired at first, but a good kind of exhausted tired. Allow extra rest and sleep time for yourself while you get adjusted. You will bounce back!
I am very happy for you, and wish you the best.