I had a lot of pain wearing the obturator for about six months. The worst pain was during the time I was having radiation. It hurt so bad to put it in in the morning, so I stated trying to sleep with it, my prothodontist informed me that things would not heal if I continued to do this, so I went back to taking it out at night. I used the "magic" mouth solution to numb my mouth several times throughout the day. Almost six months to the day, the pain and discomfort was gone.

As far as Trismus, I have never been able to open my mouth more than about a 21. It got so bad before I was given the therabite, that I was having trouble getting the obturator in and out.I now can barely get two fingers in my mouth and it appears this is as good as it is going to get. It does make eating interesting!

Sharon, 57; Hard Palate; T1, High Grade, DX 6-12-09, Surgery, maxillectomy 7-14-09, 33 RT (9-2-09 to 10-19-09); Prothesis (obturator). None smoker, non drinker.