Monday,October 1....the last day of treatment for us...63 rads (twice daily - hyperfractionated) and 7! I almost feel guilty celebrating this milestone with so many of you here facing treatments, recurrances, and surgeries. But, I know I learned from those who had walked thru this storm before us and I hope our experience can help someone else.
Bill is doing very well. Other than the last chemo, he had very little side effects from the cisplatin and taxol. He still has his hair (although thinner) but has not had to shave for about a month. The last chemo gave him gut problems, nausea and diarrhea.
He was hospitalized at 5.5 weeks with a fever, severe low blood counts called neutropenia and some type of (unknown) infection...missed his chemo that week and three days of radiation (6 tx) but once out, improved to better than he had been for weeks. I can only assume that some of his problem was mouth sores or infection that was healed by IV antibiotics as his throat gunk, pain and swallowing are so much better at a time when I assumed he would be at his worst. His burns are now healing and peeling...he looks like he needs to scrub his neck! He is very weak and becomes frustrated at his exhaustion after a small task. He has trouble with feeling faint upon rising from a sitting position..has to stop and get his bearings for a few moments. His pain is almost nil and he stopped all pain meds a week ago...go figure. He is taking almost 40 ounces of Gatorade and water by mouth but we are still using the Peg tube (placed before txs started) for all his nutrition. He says he can taste coffee but sweet things are like cardboard. His weight has dropped about 18 lbs..not too bad..he had some to give.
So, weirdly enough, Bill started improving before his rad treatments ended even though they were "boosting" to his tumor, which in my mind, would make his throat even sorer (I have had moments questioning if they were really giving him rads or just pretending LOL.)
So now we start the healing and waiting process...a hard time for most, as I understand it. We will try to be patient and get on with a somewhat normal life if we can.
My prayers are with those of you facing difficult days right now...I want to send what strength I have left to each of you. I am grateful for our blessings, friends, better health and OCF.