i take 9 bottles of multifibre fortisip per day ( 4 feeds of 2 and a quarter) plus 3 lots of half syringe of calogen. i'm 10% heavier than 1 week post surgery at 87kg ( 196lb ) and the dietician & district nurse are happy with that 1.85m (6ft2).
i've found if i feed to fast i get mild indigestion and loose movements next morning, worked out to time each syringe at a minute or so + water flush before and after so takes 8min + . we only get chocolate & vanilla options in fortisip so mix 50/50 otherwise find to sickly when it repeats / mild burps.

45 yrs. peg tube jan 07/09 TOTAL GLOSSECTOMY jan 12/09
T3NOscc oral(ex smoker )
open tracheostomy , removed oct 12/09
modified neck dissection lymph nodes I to IV
rectus abdominal flap + full dental removal
30 day radiation treatment ,diagnosed with lung cancer oct 2011