Jeff, Just wanted you to know I have also been dealing with a spot on my right lung. I had one show on the first Pet scan one yr. after treatment. The next yr, it didn't show. Last year it showed up again. I have been referred to a specialist, and he's done 2 CT scans, it shows but isn't getting any larger. He said he wants to watch if for a couple of yrs. I'm getting leery about all the scans, but there's always that "what if" in the back of our minds. I just saw my H&N doctor yesterday for my yearly visit, and things are all good. So being 4 yrs clean I'm done with the Pet scans. So glad. Anyway just wanted to share that maybe the lung thing is common. Hope all goes well with you. Linda

Dx3/20/06 SCC,BOT,1N Tx:5cycles Carbo/Taxol, Rad:35x, brachytherapy:6x, completed 7/24/06