[quote=T_WaltersGirl4Ever]My name is Monica and my Daddy's name was T. Walter. Daddy was the LIGHT of my life and my number one guy. I say was because, an awful disease Cancer, took him away from me on 8/15/2010. It is hard to believe that three years has passed so quickly.

In April of '07, Daddy was admitted into the ER with bleeding. At that time the doctor's stated it was thrust that caused the issue. In May '07, a wisdom teeth had been giving Daddy a fit. I told him to go to my dentist and get it checked out.

Funny thing...Daddy and his former dentist where like BFF's. He would go all the time for this and that. Well this dentist missed his possible cancer but, my dentist thought something was strange.

He referred Daddy to UofM, to check it out. In June 07'..the appointment at the UofM, turned into Stage 3 Tongue and Throat Cancer. The doctor's stated he had a 60% chance of beating it. I told Daddy to fight with everything he had.

And FIGHT he did...Chemo/Radiation...Daddy was a trooper. The cancer was going away...slowly. Then, he got a massive infection from the feeding tube.

On August 15, 2007, he passed frown. My world has yet to be right since. I hope that others will FIGHT and BEAT this disease and I would like to offer them, that encouragement.

My Daddy did not make it but others will! My Daddy watches me everyday, knowing that I will be OK, with time. I hope that assisting others here, will help with my pain...three years and counting.

I look forward to being here! CONTINUE TO FIGHT AND BEAT THIS DISEASE!!!

God Bless,


Proud with ur daddy's spirit. I think most of the patients here will fight for their best against bad C. Take care ^^