Hi Susie,
I had the procedures you are going to have. They kept me under for a day or so after surgery so that was easy - I don't remember a thing! The next three days in ICU - I don't recall much of due to pain meds - I was able to talk right away but as soon as they knew I could talk, they told me not to - so I wouldn't rip stitches out or anything. Take the dry erase board/markers - or pen and paper - to communicate. I didn't swell much so didn't need a trach. Had an nose feeding tube for first four days. Didn't need a PEG through surgery or radiation. The only problem was with the nose feeding tube - they filled it too fast and it backed up and I didn't enjoy the strawberry taste

I didn't have any problems with coughing. Make sure and do the breathing machine thingie they give you - that'll help reduce the potential for coughing. My healing progressed nicely from surgery in all areas-tongue, wrist and leg. You'll do great. It's hard, very hard to relax, but as much as you can, breath deeply, and take note of positive things around you each day to help ease the burden of worry and fear. We're all here for you.
hugs from the midwest,