
I didn't know the 16 FR would work that well with pureed foods. You definitely have been experimenting and making it work for you. Good info to know and to keep in the back of my head just in case. Keep grilling the Docs, they may learn something from you.

The adage of "the patient is their own best advocate" rings very true.


CG/Carol 57;SCC Stage IV L Tonsil T4N2bM0 12/2009
Recur 7/2010 - 2cm mass Invasive SCC L Floor Lower Jaw
Surgery 8/10 - Trach,ND,p. mandibulectomy,pec flap
ypT4aN0 HG Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2nd Recur 1/18/11 - Tumor lower left lip
Surgery 2/9/11 - Canceled - Inoperable
3/29/11 - Died