Good morning. Trying to figure out where to begin, my head is congested with confusion. Seems more and more post RT issues, ORN jaw, bone is exposed and no one seems to have a definitive answer as what to do for her. One surgeon tells her to use a water pik, which has been extremely painful for her, another tells her not to...same old story, no one on same page. Her dx yesterday from the dental onc was ORN og jaw, late effect of radiation, malig neoplasm ventral tongue. this dr said she thought mom was coming n for teeth-lack of communication somewhere along the line. also, didn't help that current meds list the dr printed out was WRONG...i.e. fentanyl patch to be changed every 3 hours... I know i am sounding picky but this is all about the same thing that keeps happening over and over again. Sorry, if this is confusing, having issues with my brain since car accident. i am considering calling her RO and asking to speak with him. maybe, if he gets backs in pic, he can get a plan together?? or maybe we take mom to fox chase? my parents are fried with hup. there is nothing more upsetting than watching someone you love so dearly, trying so hard, getting batted around with no answers...and no one is listening.

CG to Mom, dx 4/25/07 with tongue cancer,T3N0,tx began 7/6/07, 31 tx's of IMRT, 8 cycles of Erbitux. Brachytherapy, surgery, left neck dissection and temp trach placed all on 9/17/07, trach removed 10/17/07. ORN of jaw, late effect of radiation symptoms. **lost my beautiful mother on 5/5/11.