Ya like I said, I went in, no one thought it was cancer, and they putzed around giving me a steroid gel first and then a anti fungal pill and none of that helped. So about 2 months after the first time I saw them, they finally did the biopsy and it was cancer. Again not trying to scare you, but my doc was a oral surgeon, and mine looked nothing like cancer, because the tumor was inside my tongue and the spot on the side of my tongue was it growing out the side of my tongue and I am a lot younger then most who get this, so it looked nothing like what it usually does. I would just ask them to biopsy just in case. If you go back in 3 weeks and have no real changes, I would ask for a biopsy, so you don't have to wait as long as I did to find out.

25/female at diagnosis
Dx;stage 3 SCC tongue 03/25/2010
Surgery 04/13/2010
Trach,ng tube, peg feeding tube
Hemiglossectomy, right side neck dissection, 40 lymph nodes removed. Free-Flap transplant to tongue.
30 rounds IMRT ended July 15,2010