I received a call from ENT and he said my scan results were clear EXCEPT for the little cyst that was in my nasal passage but in the left cheek area. Now my little white spot was behind my retromolar trigone and I can feel a little bump under the skin in the cheek area beside where the spot was located. But the ENT said the cyst was on the left cheek area but referenced a nasal passage. This is the same ENT that said I was too old for oral cancer and that HPV was a rare occurrence. I tried to ask him more question but he rushed me off the phone and said we would talk about it at my follow up appointment. He said in his clinical opionion it was a cyst and sounded put out when I referenced a biopsy. I already know that I need a new ENT. I would think because I have a white spot and now a cyst he would be a little concerned but nope. I am at rock bottom right now and kinda numb. He said the cyst was about 1 cm or so. I don't know how suspicious this is but I am just numb and waiting for what ever happens next.
