I wasn't sure where to put this so I went for General...

I had a few gout outbreaks prior to Dx. During cisplatin chemo, I got gout every time. My Oncologist seemed to think it was unusual. I took allipurinal and/or prednisone and it would go away.

Gout is an accumulation of uric acid, usually in a joint, usually in your foot or toes due to gravity. I've had it in my wrist before, and during chemo it would cause my left knee to swell like crazy.

Since treatment I've not had a full blown gout outbreak, but I have had some pain in my left shoulder that has been persistent. It's unusual pain. Hurts during certain motion - like putting on a shirt, and I can't swing a golf club.

Today it was worse than usual, the pain was shooting down my arm to my hand and it felt sort of 'goutish'. I hadn't thought of gout with this particular ache/pain before. But I took half a prednisone and it seemed a little better today.

Never thought I would have gout in my shoulder, and I guess I'm not sure that's what it is/was.

Has anyone else had gout as a Tx side effect?

Survivor. 55yr male. Dx 07/09 SqCCa Stage IV, Rt Tonsil, Lt&Rt Lymph Nodes. Aborted tonsilectomy 07/09. Chemo port 07/09. PEG 09/09. Chemo - 3xCisplatin 6xErbitux. RTx35. Tx ended 11/09. CAT scan (clean) 01/10. PET scan (clean) 02/10. Port & PEG removed 04/10.